Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Setting the Bar Low...

Hey guys, Dave here, doing my duty to make sure manbabies.com remains a figment of Steve's strange little imagination. I apologize for the delay but I was held up by a sudden case of the "why did I think getting a liberal arts degree was a good idea"-itis. It's not known how this particular contagion is passed but it seems to be catching in this economy. If only my parents had told me about the pitying looks and disapproving stares that awaited me after changing my major.

Innocent bystander: "Oh, what did you major in?"

Me: "History!"

Bystander: "Oh.............."

Me: "WHY GOD, WHY???"

Ok, maybe that's how it would've gone had I been played by *name of soap opera star removed to avoid lawsuit* but you get the idea. Luckily and NR-NX we have a sense of humor forged by fire and we're qualified to write under any physical conditions (Captain, meet Jack D). It'll be weird, it'll be wonderful, it'll leave you hungering for more against the protests of your common sense. We're like that last shot of tequilla, you know its not heading anywhere productive but hell, you weren't going to get anything done today anyway. Don't lie to yourself. So until next time...damn the man, save the empire!

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